Why Sell Structured Settlement Payments?

f you have been awarded structured settlement payments, receive annuity payments, or are expecting another form of future payments, you could find that an immediate lump sum would better serve your interests. Because structured settlement annuity payments have become so prevalent in personal injury and other types of cases, they can be imposed even in circumstances where they are not the best option. In these cases, it is often best to explore options for selling payments.

Even if structured settlement payments were the best option for you when they were established, your circumstances may have changed:

  • A serious illness might make an immediate lump sum necessary
  • An investment alternative may offer more financial security
  • Another structured annuity plan may offer better terms

Any number of circumstances might make selling your structured settlement annuity payments from a personal injury, or other type of case, more appealing than continuing to receive low monthly or yearly payments.

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